105th Anniversary of St. Petersburg Trams
Sunday, 23 September 2012 21:17

105th Anniversary of St. Petersburg Trams

September 29th, 2012 will mark the 105th anniversary of trams in St. Petersburg. The date will include a tram parade and here is the schedule and details.

10:30 - departure of cars from the Sredny Prospect VO,  77, (Vasilievsky Island) all trams travel at an interval of 3 minutes and stop at all tram stops.

The trams move along two routes:

Column 1: Sredniy Prospect VO, 77 - Sredniy Prospect VO - Tuchkov Bridge - Kronverksky Prospekt - Kuibysheva Street - Chapaev Street - Grenadier Bridge - Lesnoy Prospekt- Liteyny Bridge - Liteyny Prospekt - Enzhinernaya street.

Column 2: Sredniy Prospect VO, 77 - Sredniy Prospect VO - Tuchkov Bridge - Kronverksky Prospekt - Trinity Bridge - Sadovaya Street - Enzhinernaya street.

From 12:00 to 14:00 people are welcomed to see and go inside the old trams.

14:00 - departure of trains to the Museum.

From 15.30 - everyone will be able to visit the museum and see the rest of the technology.

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