Tuesday, 29 November 2011 16:56 |
Russians are usually portrayed in cartoons or comics for their excessive alcoholic drinking along with other stereotypes, but one thing that Russians are not depicted internationally is for their rich language. The Russian language is full of different words, synonyms, and adjectives that cannot be found in several other languages. But, the first thing a person wants to learn when studying a foreign language is CURSE WORDS. Russian is known for its wealth of curse words along with the “clean language” of Russian.
Сволочь - (pronounced: svolach) - bastard - вот он сволочь - wow, he’s a bastard... Пиздец - (pronounced: pizdets) - expression used in surprise or anger, means fuck/fucking Ебать - (pronounced: jebat') - fuck - Ебать ты умный - fuck, you are such a smartass! Говно - (pronounced: gavno) - shit - я в говно - I am in the shit, used when drunk (shitfaced) Мудак - (pronounced: mudak) - asshole or motherfucker - ну ты мудак - you are such an asshole! Блядь - (pronounced: blyat') - whore, can also be used for fuck - блядь, я упал на эскалаторе - fuck, I fell on the escalator. Шлюха - (pronounced: shlyuha) - whore Иди на хуй - (pronounced: idi na huj) - fuck off. Read more on the RUSSIAN F-WORD О Отъебитесь (pronounced: Оt'ebites',) - fuck off (plural), отъебись - singular American guy trying to curse in Russian. =) Иди на хуй, поганая шлюха (pronounced: idi na huj paganaya shlyuha) - fuck off, you fucking bitch! SPECIAL OFFER: This is a PDF file of one of the most popular books about Russian slang ever written in the English language. All you need to do in order to get this book is subscribe to our Newsletter, and we will email the book to you within 24 hours. Each person will get this book, no one will be left out. Take advantage of our offer now - simply enter your email address in the right upper corner of the website and enjoy reading! GET THE BOOK NOW Best, St Petersburg Guide Team St-Petersburg Guide's Popular: |