News and Events
SPB Umbrella Vending Machines
Saturday, 10 August 2013 19:22

Umbrella Vending Machines SPB

They say that Saint-Petersburg weather is as changeable as London's. And a nice sunny day may turn into a rainy day just within minutes.  

Below is a list of addresses where one can always buy a cheap black umbrella for only 100 RUB and escape from the rain:

Support-Brief/Russisches Einladungsschreiben Für das Russische Visum
Written by St. Petersburg Guide   
Saturday, 10 August 2013 12:36


Sankt Petersburg, Russland – ein beliebtes Reiseziel für Deutschen!

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in Sankt Petersburg willkommen zu heißen, einer der schönsten Städte in Russland und in der ganzen Welt! Ob Sie nach einer günstigen Unterkunft suchen, oder nach etwas in der gehobenen Klasse, hier auf www.sntpeters.com werden Sie finden, wonach Sie suchen. Hier können Sie alles finden, was man für das vollkommene St. Petersburg-Erlebnis braucht. Das Sankt Petersburg-Handbuch (www.SntPeters.com) bietet Informationen für nahezu alles an, was man braucht, um herumzukommen und eine unvergessliche Zeit im nördlichen Versailles zu haben.

Hotels for FaceBookers
Written by St. Petersburg Guide   
Thursday, 08 August 2013 20:10

St Petersburg Hotels

Judging by the tremendous number of our facebook subscribers (and it’s growing rapidly every day), we can tell that the majority of our followers and visitors to the website  use facebook to stay in touch with Saint-Petersburg Guide’s updates.  In this regard, we decided to use facebook to not only keep you up-to date about the news and happenings in the city, but also to help you choose a hotel in Saint-Petersburg, again, directly from facebook. We have made up a list of the most popular and recommended hotels in Saint-Petersburg, where you can get the most detailed information about the hotel, look through its pictures and make a reservation right off the facebook page. To start looking simply click on the name of the hotel that you wish to find out about and you will see its album on facebook:

Gorkovskaya Closed this Morning
Thursday, 08 August 2013 06:56


This morning (August 8, 2013) the entrance to the metro station "Gorkovsakya", was closed. The reason for the closing of the metro is from the Muslim celebration called "Uraza-bairam." The celebration happens at Gorkovskaya because the biggest mosque in the city is located a few minutes from the metro. The celebration last from 8:15 am until 10 am.

Leningradsky Zoo
Wednesday, 07 August 2013 10:04

Leningrad Zoo

An interesting deal started yesterday at the Leningrad Zoo. Guests to the zoo now can take up an offer to go for a walk on the lawn in front of the pavilion where wild animals are roaming. The visitors will be able to walk with incredibly charming hedgehogs and meerkats. ;)

Igora Sky Fest 2013
Tuesday, 06 August 2013 17:02

Igora Sky Fest 2013

In the middle of August, the residents and guests of St. Petersburg have a great chance to be sent on a sky adventure! The Igora Sky Fest of 2013 is a unique celebration in the air, which includes tens of colorful blimps, kites, colorful gliders, and air balloons in which you have an opportunity to ride! The festival will last from August 17th to August 18th.

First impressions of Saint-Petersburg by Susan McDaniel
Saturday, 03 August 2013 20:41

First impressions of Saint-Petersburg

The first thing I noticed when I arrived yesterday morning was........ SP has some things in English…wow!  Hahaha, after Moscow that was a surprise (especially in the metro with station stops, directions, etc).  Now, I am not complaining about Moscow because I don't except a foreign city to have things in my language simply for me! But it did make it easier, "no guesswork and hope I got it right", when I arrived here. Even having Russian words in the Roman as well as Cyrillic alphabet simplified things for me. Same with info at tourist sites and restaurants-----many have their menus posted and in multiple languages. It is nice to view a menu before you go in. (actually we need to do this more in the USA as well). People have been friendly. A man saw me consulting my map, as I was dragging my suitcase, making my way to the hotel from the metro station. He stopped and asked in his best English if he could maybe help me. Very sweet.

Fountain Closing Ceremony 2013
Saturday, 03 August 2013 11:17

Closing Ceremony of Peterhof fountains

In the middle of September, come to Peterhof to see the traditional ceremony of the closing of the fountains! On the huge stage will be live music and the sky will be lit up by an amazing laser show. There will also be an enormous firework display as the town of Peterhof continues the tradition of the closing of the fountains.

Vintage Furniture Market
Thursday, 01 August 2013 22:12

Vintage Furniture Market

Lovers of extravagant vintage this weekend will be in delight when they come to the European furniture market from the 60s and 70s at New Holland Island. Everyone can find something for himself or herself such as: tables, chairs, sofas, decorative home furnishings, and many other interesting things, straight from Europe.

St. Petersburg will have its own Disneyland
Thursday, 01 August 2013 10:34

Disneyland Saint-Petersburg, Russia

In the industrial zone called "Rzhevka" will be built a huge amusement park on par with world levels. The companies "Region" and “DreamWorks Studio” have signed an agreement for the right to use theme "Disneyland".


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City Gallery