News and Events
How to get to Pushkin
Saturday, 27 April 2013 22:07

Town of Pushkin

Going to Pushkin from St. Petersburg is easy and there are several ways to get there. Here is a description of how to get to Pushkin from St. Petersburg cheap!

Smoothie Bars
Friday, 26 April 2013 17:12

Smoothie Bar

St. Petersburg will soon have several smoothie bars around the city. The Australian network of smoothie bars called, “Boost”, will come to Russia and the first facility will open in Galleria shopping center as early as May. All items on the menu are good for your health and for diets. The menu will feature items such as smoothies with real fruits and berries, real juices, and the best part is that they are prepared without any additives, artificial ingredients, sugar, and no fat content of more than 2%. 

How to get to Kronstadt
Thursday, 25 April 2013 19:54

How to get to Kronshtadt

Many people may wonder, "How do I get to Kronstadt from St. Petersburg?" Well, we have the answers and we strive to make it as easy as possible for everyone who wants to go to the beautiful town of Kronstadt. Here is how to get there:

04/23/2013 Yes in St. Petersburg, not Leningrad
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 20:08

Saint-Petersburg or Leningrad

Skeptical Lenin Russians, according to a poll Wary remain the Russians towards Vladimir Lenin, and do not support the idea of returning the name of Leningrad in St. Petersburg, as shown in a recent poll, conducted just before the anniversary of the birth of Russian revolutionary, on April 22. 

Researchers at the Levada Center polling agency Interfax said in that nearly one in three Russians, 31% believe that in 40-50 years, Lenin will be remembered only by historians, but the percentage has decreased, and 2007 was 45% and in 2011 was 39%.

St. Petersburg City Day - May 27
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 17:18

St-Petersburg city day

St. Petersburg will be celebrating its 310th anniversary this year and if you are anywhere remotely near the city centre on this day the festivities will be impossible to miss. As Peterburgers love their city with an almost maniacal fervor, you can expect the party to last all day and possibly into the next. During the day Nevsky Pr. is closed to traffic and citizens will take to the street en maze, clad in costumes, wigs or silly hats, clutching balloons, ice-creams or adult beverages as they march towards Palace square for free concerts, the Admiralty lawn for games, and the embankments to 'ooh' and 'aah' over the fireworks.

May 9 Victory Day
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 09:06

Victory Day

May 9 Victory Day. The Soviet Union lost more people than any other nation in World War II, and even 6 decades later the day commemorating Hitler's defeat is a major Russian holiday. Every Russian has a relative or friend who served in what they call the Great Patriotic War, and the sight of elderly veterans pinning on rusting medals for a day is a poignant reminder of one of the most impressive feats of the Soviet era.

Orthodox Easter
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 10:08

Orthodox Easter

May 5 Orthodox Easter. The following Monday is a state holiday, though Good Friday is not. The day has taken on greater significance since the collapse of Soviet atheism, and on Easter morning, every Orthodox church has lines of people waiting to have their traditional Easter cakes blessed. The holiday feast is the richest on the Russian calendar, with eggs a major theme.

May 1-2 Spring and Labor Day
Monday, 22 April 2013 19:21

May 1-2 Spring and Labor Day

May 1-2 Spring and Labor Day. It was a major holiday in the Soviet Union and other Communist countries, and also in many other parts of the world. Even in today's Russia, it is an annual holiday devoted to the recognition of working people's contribution to society. A unique display of the most modern weapons and seemingly endless troops of soldiers is held in Moscow, the capital of Russia on this day. May day, until recently officially termed International Workers' Solidarity Day, is now known as Spring and Labor Day. Some years, it occurs on or close to Russian Orthodox Easter, so some people celebrate in church while others attend customary demonstrations.

Parade of bikers in St. Petersburg
Sunday, 21 April 2013 22:43

Parade of bikers

May 11 at 12:00 pm Saint-Petersburg Residents and visitors will be able to watch thousands of motorcycles going down downtown St. Petersburg in several columns. 

The route of the column has not been announced yet but is most likely to start from the 300 years St Petersburg's anniversary park. 

Fountains at Peterhof | Official Opening
Saturday, 20 April 2013 20:49

Peterhof fountains opening 2013

On April 27th, Peterhof officially opens the seasonal fountains. At 11 am in the State Museum of "Peterhof", the hymn of the Great City will commemorate the opening of the fountains. From April 27th, the fountains will start daily operations. The grand opening of the fountains will be on May 18th. 


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